CallBGProvider Stopping -How to Fix it in 7 Easy Ways

If you have a Samsung device running on One UI 6.0, you may have encountered a problem with an app called CallBGProvider. This app may cause errors and crashes when you make or receive phone calls, and it may also be a malware that can access your personal data.

In this article, you will learn what CallBGProvider is, why it keeps stopping, and how to fix it in 7 easy ways. These methods include installing an alternative dialer app, clearing cache and data. By following these steps, you can hopefully solve the CallBGProvider stopping error and improve your device performance and security.

What is CallBGProvider?

CallBGProvider is an app found in Samsung’s Android phones that assists in organizing files and folders, such as managing where videos and pictures are stored. Yet, some users have experienced issues with their phone’s functionality due to problems related to CallBGProvider Stopping.

Callbgprovider Stopping

After the One UI 6.0 update on Samsung devices, users are encountering the “CallBGProvider keeps stopping” problem. Finding one specific reason for this issue is difficult. However, based on the experiences reported, there are several potential causes that could be behind it.

Why Does CallBGProvider Keep Stopping?

  • Software Bug: The main reason for crashes in system apps like CallBGProvider is often due to a software bug that comes with the One UI 6.0 update.
  • Additionally, it might also result from compatibility problems with the new software version.
  • Corrupted Cache: The app crash could happen due to damaged or corrupted data linked to the CallBGProvider Stopping app.
  • Update Glitch: Users have experienced problems right after updating to One UI 6.0. This indicates a possible glitch during the update process, causing issues with the CallBGProvider app.
  • Conflicts With Other Apps: The app crash may occur due to conflicts with other apps or certain device settings.
  • Users who have complex configurations, multiple profiles, or use Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) setups might experience these conflicts more frequently.
  • Integration With One UI 6.0 Features: CallBGProvider might not be entirely compatible with the new features brought by One UI 6.0.
  • This lack of compatibility could result in crashes specifically when making or receiving calls.
  • As of now, Samsung hasn’t issued an official response, indicating that the company might still be looking into the problem.

How to fix CallBGProvider stopping

However, some users have reported that CallBGProvider stops working or crashes frequently, causing various problems with their phone calls. This can be very frustrating and annoying, especially if you rely on your phone for important communication. you can try the following methods to fix it.

Alternative Dialer App

Callbgprovider Stopping

Install an alternative dialer app like Phone by Google from the Google Play Store. Once installed, set this alternative app as the default dialer temporarily while troubleshooting the issue. Additionally, you can consider using alternative phone apps like WhatsApp as a temporary solution until the problem is resolved.

Network And SIM Troubleshooting

  1. First, Power off your device and take out the SIM card.
  2. Then, turn on the device without the SIM card inserted.
  3. Power off the device again, reinsert the SIM card, and restart your device.
  4. Check if the issue still persists after completing these steps.

Clear Cache and Data

To clear the Cache and data for CallBGProvider, follow these steps: Go to Settings on your device, then select Apps. Find and tap on CallBGProvider from the list. Once inside the app settings, choose to clear both the Cache and data associated with it. Afterward, reboot your device to complete the process.

Reset App Preferences

  1. To reset your app preferences, Open Settings on your device and select “Apps.”
  2. Tap on the three-dot menu icon, choose “Reset app preferences.”
  3. Confirm the action and restart your device to apply the changes.

Check for Official Updates

Keep an eye on official Samsung channels to check for updates that address the particular issue you’re facing. Additionally, reach out to Samsung support for guidance. Contact them to inquire about any official fixes or patches available for resolving the problem.

Factory Reset

As a final option, consider performing a factory reset. Keep in mind that this will delete all data on your device, so make sure to back up important information before proceeding. However, this method is very drastic and should only be used if none of the other methods work. To factory reset your device, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Settings and select “General Management.” then Tap on the “Reset” option.
  2. Choose “Reset factory data” to initiate the factory reset process.

Wait for Samsung’s Response

If there’s no immediate solution, it’s advisable to wait for an official response or update from Samsung regarding the reported issue. Samsung might release patches or fixes in subsequent updates to address reported problems. Keep an eye out for these updates to resolve the issue.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is CallBGProvider?

CallBGProvider is an app that provides back ground services for phone calls on some Samsung devices.

Why does CallBGProvider keep stopping?

CallBGProvider may keep stopping due to various reasons, such as outdated or corrupted app, compatibility issue, conflict with another app or service, or malware.


In conclusion, CallBGProvider is an app that provides background services for phone calls on some Samsung devices. However, some users have experienced errors and crashes with this app, and some have also found that this app may be a malware that can access their personal information and phone calls.

In this article, we have explained what CallBGProvider is, why it keeps stopping, and how to fix it in 7 easy ways. These methods include installing an alternative dialer app, network and SIM troubleshooting, clearing cache and data, resetting app preferences, checking for official updates, factory reset.

#CallBGProvider #Stopping #Fix #Easy #Ways

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