20+ New Year’s Resolutions Statistics for 2024

As 2023 comes to a close and 2024 approaches, many people find themselves in a period of self-reflection and making New Year’s resolutions.

However, there are many more these days who think this is a totally outdated concept. 

Making New Year’s resolutions is a very personal thing that we either choose to do or not to do.

Let’s learn more about resolutions as New Years comes in through these New Year’s resolution statistics. 

Key Statistics

  • Almost 50% of New Year’s resolutions relate to fitness.
  • 36% of New Year’s resolutions related to mental health improvement.
  • 29% of Gen Zers say they feel pressured to make New Year’s resolutions.
  • 54% of Baby Boomers cite weight loss as their top New Year’s resolution for 2024.
  • 85% of survey respondents said they believe inflation will make their financial resolutions more challenging to meet.
  • 67% of American adults intend on making financial resolutions for New Year 2024.
  • 55% of American adults think that the New Year’s resolutions concept is antiquated.
  • Only 5% of respondents said they stick to their New Year’s resolutions for a whole year.
  • New Year’s resolutions are more than 4,000 years old.
  • In Italy, they have “good intentions”, which is similar to “resolutions in America.

Top New Year’s Resolutions Statistics for 2024

1. Almost 50% of New Year’s Resolutions Relate to Fitness.


In an October 2023 Forbes Health/OnePoll survey of 1,000 American adults, it was found that around 48% of survey respondents said their New Year’s resolution was to improve their fitness. 

(Forbes Health)

2. 36% of New Year’s Resolutions Related to Mental Health Improvement.

In the same October 2023 survey, 36% of the 1,000 respondents cited mental health improvement as their priority for New Year’s resolutions.

It was somewhat the other way around last year with 45% saying their resolutions were for mental health improvement and 36% cited fitness.

(Forbes Health)

3.  29% of Gen Zers Say They Feel Pressured to Make New Year’s Resolutions.

The Gen Z generation from a Forbes Health/OnePoll survey of 1,005 American adults revealed that 29% of them feel pressured to make New Year’s resolutions.

Moreover, 25% men from the Gen Z generation say the same as do 28% of women from the same group.

(Forbes Health²)

4. 54% of Baby Boomers Cite Weight Loss as Their Top New Year’s Resolution for 2023.

Weight Loss

More data from the November 2022 Forbes Health/OnePoll survey revealed that 54% of Baby Boomers cited weight loss as their New Year’s resolution priority for 2023.

Furthermore, the 2023 survey revealed that 35% of those aged 42 to 57 cited they want to improve their diet and 39% said they want to improve their mental health.

(Forbes Health²)

5. 85% of Survey Respondents Said They Believe Inflation Will Make Their Financial Resolutions More Challenging to Meet.

Many American adults believe that between higher interest rates and inflation, they may not be able to make their financial New Year’s resolutions stick.

In fact, a whopping 85% from one survey said they think that inflation will cause major challenges for meeting their 2024 financial goals and 80% find out of control interest rates a challenge.

(The Ascent)

6.  67% of American Adults Intend on Making Financial Resolutions for New Year 2024.

Even though so many American adults find that inflation and interest rates will cause issues with meeting their financial goals set for New Year’s resolutions, 67% said they still plan to make financial resolutions going into 2024.

This is almost the same percentage as the Motley Fool Ascent’s 2023 survey about financial New Year’s resolutions.

(The Ascent)

7. 55% of American Adults Think that The New Year’s Resolutions Concept Is Antiquated.

More than half (55%) of the American adult population thinks that the idea of New Year’s resolutions is an outdated concept.

This comes from a survey of 2,000 American adults who think New Year’s resolutions are a thing of the past.

Still, the other half of the population may be making resolutions for 2024.

(New York Post)

8. Only 5% of Respondents Said They Stick to Their New Year’s Resolutions for A Whole Year.

New Year’s Resolutions

It’s no wonder that over half of the American population from the survey said New Year’s resolutions are outdated.

Only 5% from the same survey admitted to sticking to their resolutions for a whole year.

More than half (52%) give up within the first three months of the year.

(New York Post)

9. New Year’s Resolutions Are More than 4,000 Years Old.

Centuries before America (USA) was thought of, the Babylonians were making New Year’s resolutions.


This concept is over 4,000 years old, according to historians.

In fact, the Ancient Babylonians held a 12-day festival to make promises to their gods to celebrate the new year.

Grant it, these promises were more often about returning borrowed or stolen items to their respective owners, but these were still resolutions for the new year ahead.


10. In Italy, They Have “good Intentions”, Which Is Similar to “Resolutions in America.

Italian adults celebrate the new year with “good intentions”, which is similar to the New Year’s resolution concept in America.

They make promises to exercise more, quit smoking, and other things just like Americans.

In Italy, they also eat black-eyed peas to bring good fortune and fatty pork like Americans do.

We’re pretty sure they did it first in Italy.


11. In Russia, New Year’s Is the Biggest Holiday of The Whole Year.

You might be surprised to know that New Year’s is the biggest and most celebrated holiday in Russia.

This started with the Bolsheviks after the “religious” purge occurred.

It’s believed that when Christmas could no longer be celebrated that the New Year’s holiday became the biggest holiday of the year in Russia.


12. In China, the Whole Family Shares in The Chinese New Year’s Resolutions.

Chinese New Year’s

The Chinese New Year isn’t on January 1st.

Instead, this is a 15-day festival that starts at the new moon.

It normally occurs between January 21st and February 20th.

The Chinese New Year will occur on February 10th in 2024.

The whole family makes their New Year’s resolutions together and they celebrate as a family.

(The Language Club)

13. The New Year in Japan Is Brought in By the Tradition, Hatsumode.

In Japan, the New Year’s celebration embraces the tradition of Hatsumode.

It begins with a visit to a temple or shrine within the first three days of the new year.

At this time, people make their resolutions and wishes.

As you might suspect, it’s more ceremonial.

(The Language Club)

14. The Festival of Pongal Is Celebrated for The New Year in India.

Since we wanted to be sure that our readers know that the United States isn’t the only country that celebrates a new year, we are sharing some other countries from The Language Club that also celebrate the new year.

The festival of Pongal happens in India where it’s the time of Thanksgiving and when they make their resolutions for the year.

(The Language Club)

15. In Latin America, They Celebrate New Year’s as A Time for Self-Reflection.

One common element about New Year’s across the globe is that most regions have some form of self-reflection during this time.

In several Latin American cultures, this is a time for reflection and celebration as people gather together, share a meal and make their New Year’s resolutions.

(The Language Club)

16. 34% of American Adults Say that Losing Weight Is the New Year’s Resolution for 2024.

Losing Weight

In the Forbes Health/OnePoll survey from October 2023, 34% of respondents said that they intend to make losing weight their biggest New Year’s resolution.

This is a popular resolution all over the world even if it’s not number one on the list.

(Forbes Health)

17. Poll Respondents Said They Intend to Use Meditation Apps to Help Them Stick to Their New Year’s Resolutions.

Meditation is a good way to gain and retain focus on the things you want to prioritize, but you must also be motivated to meditate often.

According to the Forbes Health/OnePoll survey in 2023, 32.6% of respondents said they would be using meditation apps to help them keep their New Year’s resolutions.

(Forbes Health)

18. Drinking Less Alcoholic Beverages Is the Least Prioritized for New Year’s Resolutions.

While cutting back or quitting alcohol consumption is often on lists for New Year’s resolutions, it’s not a big priority according to one survey from Forbes Health.

Only 8% of people aged 26 to 41 and 8% of those aged 42 to 57 say they want to drink less alcohol.

This figure is only 4% for those aged 18 to 25.

(Forbes Health²)

19. 55% of Ipsos Survey Respondents Said that They Don’t Last a Whole Year Keeping Their Resolutions.

According to the results from a New Plate/Ipsos survey, 55% of respondents say they didn’t keep their New Year’s resolutions for a whole year.

Another 11% said they stuck to their resolutions for six months.

Moreover, 14% stuck to it for at least three months, 19% at least one month, and 11% didn’t get through one month.

(Forbes Health²)

20. 52% of Respondents Say They Believe It Will Be Too Expensive to Keep Financial New Year’s Resolutions.

New Year’s Resolutions

In the Motley Fool Ascent survey, 52% of respondents said that they believe that things will become too expensive to be able to keep their financial New Year’s resolutions.

Another 25% said they don’t feel like they will be able to maintain the necessary spending habits to keep their financial resolutions for 2024.

(The Ascent)

Bonus New Year’s 2024 Statistics

  • Gen Zers are more apt to prioritize financial resolutions for the 2024 New Year.
  • Gen Xers and Baby Boomers are more likely to prioritize their physical and mental health for New Year’s resolutions.
  • 7 out of 10 (71%)  people say that they want to take a different approach to New Year’s resolutions.
  • 48% of those making New Year’s resolutions say they will try to make incremental changes in their lifestyle to make it easier to stay on track.
  • 48% of 2024 New Year’s resolutions related to eating healthier.
  • 47% of New Year’s resolutions for 2024 are about consuming more water.
  • 43% of people say they’re prioritizing being more active in the coming year.


What’s a New Year’s Resolution?

Believe it or not, New Year’s resolutions aren’t known or understood by some anymore.

Let’s clear things up.

A New Year’s resolution is a promise you make to yourself to do something better or to overall improve their lives.

These promises to oneself are often made either on January 1st every year or sometime before or just after that.

What Are Some of The Most Popular New Year’s Resolutions?

Here is a list of the most popular resolutions made on New Year’s:

• Get in shape or lose weight
• Eat healthier foods
• Get more exercise
• Save money
• Learn a new skill
• Travel more
• Spend more time with friends and family
• Quit smoking
• Get organized
• Read more

These are the most popular resolutions made by people every year, according to one survey.

Why Do People Make New Year’s Resolutions in The First Place?

There are several reasons that some people make New Year’s resolutions which include:

• To improve their quality of life
• To get a fresh start on life
• To motivate them to achieve something they’ve always wanted to do

These are only three reasons for making resolutions.

Maybe you can think of some yourself.

How Come New Year’s Resolutions Often Fail?

Let’s face it, not everything we promise ourselves is going to happen.

Throughout our lives we make personal promises (resolutions) that we sometimes keep, keep for a short time, or never keep at all. 

Here are the most common reasons New Year’s resolutions can fail:

• Unrealistic goal setting
• No plan of action made
• Not enough support
• Lack of motivation
• Giving up too easily

Next, let’s find out how to improve your chances of successful resolutions.

How Can You Increase Your Chances of Success with New Year’s Resolutions?

We found some ways to help you improve your chances of success with New Year’s resolutions.

Here they are:

• Set smart, realistic goals
• Create a plan
• Break your goals down into smaller steps
• Reward yourself for progress made
• Don’t give up because of a single setback

These tips can help you improve your resolution making and implementing.


As you can imagine, most of these New Year’s celebrations all over the globe involve making New Year’s resolutions of some kind.

Many resolutions are the same or similar to those made in the United States. 

We hope you got something great out of these New Year’s statistics.

Now, check out the FAQs below to get some tips on how to make, implement, and stick to your New Year’s resolutions.


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