Create Midjourney Consistent Character with Character Reference

Creating consistent characters is a cornerstone of storytelling and visual arts, and the advent of AI technology has revolutionized this process. The article “Midjourney Consistent Character with Character Reference” delves into the innovative features of Midjourney, a platform that empowers creators to design characters with remarkable consistency across various scenes.

This tutorial offers a treasure trove of tips and techniques to refine the character design process, ensuring that each character retains their distinctive traits and personality in every generated image. It’s a guide that caters to writers, game developers, and animators alike, aiming to enhance their narrative continuity and establish a strong visual identity. Let’s get started!

Midjourney Consistent Character

What is Midjourney Character Reference

The Midjourney Character Reference is a feature that allows users to generate AI images with consistent characters across different scenes. By using a reference image, users can ensure that the character’s appearance remains stable in various images, which is particularly useful for projects requiring narrative continuity, like storyboarding or creating a series of illustrations.

This feature can be customized for consistency using specific commands, and it represents a significant advancement in AI image generation, offering more professional tools for creators. This is particularly useful for projects that require narrative continuity. This innovation marks a significant step forward in the capabilities of AI image generators.

Midjourney Character Reference for Consistent Characters

Midjourney Consistent Character
Midjourney Consistent Character

To use Midjourney’s Character Reference feature for consistent characters, follow these steps:

  • Generate an initial image of a character using Midjourney’s standard prompt method.
  • Select a base image from the options provided by Midjourney. This image will serve as the reference for all subsequent images.
  • Create a new prompt for the next image you want to generate. At the end of the prompt, add the command --cref followed by the URL of your base image.
  • Adjust the character weight (if desired) by adding --cw followed by a number between 0 and 100. A higher number will keep the character more consistent, while a lower number will introduce more variation.

For example, if you have a base image URL and you want to create a new image of the same character in a different setting, your prompt might look like this:

prompt for new setting --cref [base image URL] --cw 100

Tips to Create Midjourney Consistent Characters

Creating Consistent Characters in Midjourney can be challenging due to the platform’s design for generating random and unique images. Here are some steps:

Midjourney Consistent Character
Midjourney Consistent Character
  1. Begin by creating four intriguing photographs from a simple prompt. Prepare for an incredible trip of creativity and imagination!.
  1. Once you’ve seen this collection of photographs, use the envelope symbol to communicate your feelings. The envelope icon is your entryway to communicating your thoughts and feelings in a basic and uncomplicated manner. This allows me to get the seed ID of these images.
  1. Please note that the text prompt you provided may be slightly different from the one used to generate the initial set of four images. However, rest assured that this method will still be effective as long as the prompt remains identical to the one used in the image generation process.
  1. I think the above method is very useful to you, and I want to share another method by which you can create different poses and emotions.
  2. If you create one prompt and then check the seed number of that prompt and enter in the same thing but with a different seed number, it will create an identical image and what it gives us we can build but we can modify our web prompt and it will change our character in many ways.
  3. If you create a simple prompt like the one below and choose one image to modify, first upscale the image you want to change.
  1. Then click the envelope for the seed number.
  1. Then go to the Imagine prompt and add the image link. We need to copy and paste our prompt and add the seed number of the image.
  1. And we need to add some changes in the prompt, like a little girl character in Pixar style, simple, cute, 6 years old, reading a book, full color, yellow shoes, a blue hooded dress, yellow clothes, long brown hair, and a white background.
  1. Then add more changes in the prompt. little girl character, Pixar style, simple, cute, 6-year-old girl, with her dog, full color, yellow shoes, blue hooded dress, yellow clothes, long brown hair, white background. Then see the changes.
Midjourney Consistent Character
Midjourney Consistent Character

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a character reference?

A character reference is a detailed description or image that serves as a guide for creating your character’s appearance and traits.

Can Midjourney Create Consistent Characters? 

Yes, with specific techniques and careful prompt crafting, you can increase the chances of generating consistent characters.

How do I start Creating a Character in Midjourney?

Begin with the ‘imagine’ command and provide a detailed description of your character, including desired poses and expressions.

Can I have my character perform different actions? 

Yes, by using the seed number and adjusting your prompts, you can have your character in various actions while maintaining consistency.


In conclusion, the article “Create Midjourney Consistent Character with Character Reference” provides a comprehensive guide for creators looking to maintain character consistency across various AI-generated images. The process of creating consistent characters, making it accessible even for those without extensive graphic design experience.

The Midjourney Character Reference feature is a game-changer, enabling users to preserve the unique attributes and features of their characters in different scenes and actions. This not only enhances narrative continuity for projects like storyboarding and series illustrations but also empowers creators to produce professional-level content with ease. Try it out today!

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