How to Use Grok AI Without X Premium

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Grok AI is a powerful artificial intelligence platform that can help you create amazing content, such as poems, stories, code, essays, songs, and more. However, some of its features are only available for X Premium users, who have to pay a monthly or yearly fee. However, this doesn’t mean that you can’t use it effectively without the premium access.

In this article, we will show you how to make the most of Grok AI’s core tools and capabilities, even without the X Premium package. Whether you are an experienced user looking for new insights or a beginner curious about the platform, this guide will help you get the best value from Grok AI without the premium subscription.

What is Grok AI?

Grok AI is a new artificial intelligence chatbot developed by X, the company founded by Elon Musk. It claims to be able to have natural and engaging conversations with humans on any topic, using advanced natural language processing and deep learning technologies. It is also designed to be able to answer “spicy” questions that are rejected by other AI systems, making it a unique and rebellious AI companion.

Grok AI is powered by Grok-1, a large language model that has been trained for four months and has achieved impressive results on various benchmarks. Grok-1 is based on GPT-3, one of the most advanced natural language processing models in the world, which enables it to generate coherent and engaging responses.

How to Use Grok AI Without X Premium?

Grok AI is still in its early beta stage, and it is currently available only to verified users who sign up for the early access program. You can sign up for the early access program by signing in with your X account on the Grok AI website. By signing up, you will be able to chat with it and provide feedback to help improve its capabilities.

1. Sign in with Your X Account

Grok Ai

To start using Grok AI, a new artificial intelligence chatbot that can chat with you on any topic, you need to go to the official website at and sign in with your X account. If you are not an X user yet, you need to create an account first. This account will let you access it’s tools and capabilities.

2.Click “Sign in with your X Account”

After you go to the website and sign in with your X account, you will see a big button that says “Sign in with your X account”. Press it to start the authentication process.

3.You’ll Be Added to the Waitlist

When you click the “Sign in with your X account” button, you will join the waitlist. This is a good way to access it’s features without paying for an X Premium subscription. Being on the waitlist ensures you’re in line to explore the potential of this incredible virtual assistant.

4.Accessing Grok AI without X Premium

Grok Ai

Grok AI is only for Premium Plus subscribers right now, but there may be a chance for others to use it soon. Elon Musk, the founder of X, has suggested a possible opportunity. X Premium Plus users may get early access to Grok AI when it leaves the early beta stage. This means you may be able to try it’s features without a Premium subscription in the near future.

5. Join the Waitlist

Joining the waitlist is a smart move if you want to use Grok AI without X Premium and increase your chances of getting access. The waitlist is open to everyone and gives hope to those who want to enjoy it’s features.

Exploring Grok AI’s Potential

  • Smart Scheduling
    Grok AI can help you plan your meetings and appointments with ease. It can look at your calendar, find available times, and book them for you. Whether you need to set up a work meeting or a social gathering, Grok AI can handle it for you.
  • Email Management
    It can make your email management simpler and faster. It can sort and rank your emails, so you don’t miss any important ones. It can also write and send emails for you, making your communication more effective and efficient.
  • Task Automation
    It can do more than just scheduling and email management. It can also automate various tasks, such as creating reminders, making to-do lists, and following up with messages. This feature can help you stay on track and organized.
  • Natural Language Processing
    It can understand and respond to your requests in a natural way. You can talk to the virtual assistant as if you were talking to a human, and the AI will reply accordingly, making your interactions smooth and intuitive.
  • Integration with X Ecosystem
    It is fully integrated with the Premium Plus tier, but you can still enjoy some integration with the X ecosystem if you are on the waitlist. This means you can use Grok AI with other X products and services, and improve your productivity and efficiency.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I collaborate with others using Grok AI? 

You can collaborate with others using Grok AI by using the “Share” button on the Grok AI website or app.

How can I subscribe to X Premium Plus? 

You can subscribe to X Premium Plus by visiting the X website and clicking on the “Upgrade to X Premium Plus” button. 


In this article, we have learned how to use Grok AI, a powerful artificial intelligence platform that can help us create and optimize various types of content, such as code, essays, poems, songs, and more. We have also seen how to access some of the features of it without paying for the X Premium subscription, such as using the chat mode, the balanced mode, and the predefined internal tools.

However, there are some limitations and drawbacks of using it without X Premium, such as the limited number of turns, the lack of memory, and the inability to switch modes or use other tools. Therefore, we recommend that you consider upgrading to X Premium if you want to enjoy the full potential of Grok AI and unleash your creativity. Thank you for reading this article and we hope you have found it useful and informative.

#Grok #Premium

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